9 Key Aspects to Consider for Control Room Design in 2022

One of the most important aspects of your control room is the design of it. According to the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, control room design, applied toward the concept of efficiency, could save the nation up to 20 billion kWh. With modern technology, data centers have made a lot of changes through the years, and today they are the most productive they’ve ever been. Whether it’s budget, the way work and tasks
How to Get a GSA Schedule For Your Company

A GSA schedule, also known as a General Services Administration schedule, is part of a government-based purchasing program. If a business, educational facility or non-for-profit organization wants to sell products or services to government agencies, a GSA schedule is necessary to make this happen. By pre-establishing terms and conditions, and pricing options, a GSA schedule contract can offer a direct line of sales to government customers. What is a GSA Schedule? A GSA schedule, also
Looking For a Social Security Disability Attorney in Your Area? What You Need to Know

Considering filing for Social Security Disability Insurance? It can be a convoluted process involving medical documentation and a lot of paperwork. Because of this, people who try to file their application without the representation of an SSDI attorney are most likely to be denied. While hiring an attorney isn’t required to receive disability benefits, it can improve your chances and give you peace of mind in knowing that your claim is being handled by an
Pros and Cons of Building Versus Colocating a Data Center

Data centers have become one of the most important components of IT infrastructure. It’s hard to find a company or organization that isn’t reliant on the internet and computing for a variety of services and products, and connectivity and cloud resources within the environment of a data center have become integral in powering solutions and constructing networks. It’s the heart of many companies, the thriving, beating organ that keeps everything flowing smoothly. Naturally there are
Hot and Cold Aisle Containments in TV and Movies

If you’re prone to “Netflix and Chill” or like to head to the theater for new movie releases, you may have noticed that hold and cold aisle containment, or hot and cool solutions for the most efficient data centers, are having a moment. From award-winning TV series like HBO’s Silicon Valley to popcorn flicks starring Johnny Depp, aisle containment systems are being featured prominently in popular culture, introducing new audiences to their qualities, benefits, and